Monday, 2 October 2017

These two quotes by Plato are so deeply meaningful when feeling disempowered by the words of others.
Remember the saying "take it with a pinch of salt"
Oh YES, if the ill words and mere opinions of others are holding you back or blocking you from living the destiny you want and deserve, use the power of your imagination.
Visualise those awful words and opinions as being slugs on the pavement, slippery, slimy and in the way.
Big/Small Brown/Green however those slugs appears to you....
Now sprinkle salt on those bad boys!
Watch them as they fizz and melt away into a nasty puddles of 'nothing' and allow the rain to just them wash away.
Is your path now clearer?
The mere words and opinions of others are just that.
Just Words
And actually now, look and feel less important? ðŸ˜Š
Empower yourself with a 'Pinch of Salt' ðŸ˜‰ x

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