Monday, 2 October 2017

πŸ¦‹ It’s the start of a 'NEW DAY', a NEW WEEK and a FRESH START! πŸ¦‹  😊  ☀️
The First job of the day is to remind myself how ‘blessed’ I am.
– How positively blessed that I can have another day, another go, another chance to reset life and anything I feel I want to better…… We all have that power, the ability to give our lives and dreams the power to exist and be possible.
KAAPOW! That's quite a powerful thought really?
'Today' Rest Monday…… My ultimate top tip.... start by WRITING a list!
Not just any old list, not a blah blah blah one you’ve scribbled down before……
Give POWER and determination to this list, write down ‘exactly’ what you want from life, what you want to achieve and change.
-If you could design your day, what would it look like?
-If you could design your week/month/year what would that look like?
-Finally, this time next year, what would you like your life to look like?
Having a plan, your own personal 'blue print' is the perfect way to start your 'designed destiny'.
YES, it's actually an actionable thing and all you need is the blue print, the drive to achieve it and the tools for making 'tiny' shifts everyday to make it happen. 
Give that list some actual ‘Power’…. Put it in your wallet, in your jacket pocket, a note that’s super easy to open on your desktop or phone.
Give that list power and confidence…. this list, YOUR list,
You 'ARE' going to be able to check off one achievement at a time.... πŸ˜‰
You deserve the destiny you design x
Sending you tumps of Va Va Voom for your day, Your Friend  L-J x

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