Wednesday, 4 October 2017

☀️☀️ Good Morning You ☀️☀️

Some days we don’t all want or feel we need that overwhelming punch of positivity?
Some days are just going to be or feel absolute garbage?

We know with absolutely certainty life will bring us struggle, suffering, gifts and blessings, love and loss.

It’s how we consciously choose to respond to every situation we face, determines our destiny and the character we design for ourselves....
With this intent we ‘can’ take control of our emotions, our outcome and our future.

Share this with someone struggling.

“Times of upheaval soon lead to renewal.”

Hang on in there, stay strong, rubbish times are never here to stay and every situation (good or bad) is ‘never’ final.

Thinking of you my friend.
Can you be there for someone too? X

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