Hey Hey Fabulous Friends, it's 'FANTASTICAL FRIDAY' !!
I don't know about you, but I hope, like me you're looking forward to a wonderful and restful weekend x
I love the weekends, it gives me time to slow down life, enjoy that time with family and friends and start to plan the awesome 'Reset Monday'. with some Va Va Voom !!! x
Just for fun have a look at the image below and quickly focus on the image you see.....
A. Can you see a cube?
B. Can you see a cube from another perspective (angle/depth)?
C. Imagine that the circular areas are actually holes in the page. Can you see a cube suspended behind the surface of the page?
D. Can you see a cube from another perspective behind the page as well as in front?
The key point here is that once our mind chooses to adopt a particular 'perspective', it can be difficult to remove its cognitive trace and “refresh” the slate so we can try interpreting that perspective in a different way....
💫 You know If some of us actually took the time to view someone else's or another version of a perspective we could actually be more open and understanding of one another....
Our relationships with others will vastly improve if we could only adopt this as a new habit..... Could it work for you today? What do you think? x
Wishing you a brilliant afternoon and thinking of you !! L-J x
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